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María María Acha-Kutscher illustrated one of our listeners and it's amazing


As part of our Her Rights series last month, we put out a call to readers asking — "What do YOU fight for?"

Education, sports for women, local food, to give voice to those who "can't/shan't/won't be heard," against infanticide, you responded. Now, Peruvian illustrator and Her Rights story subject María María Acha-Kutscher has adapted one of our #HerRights reader submissions. Meet Corinne Falotico — a blogger, PRI's The World listener and crusader for reproductive rights. 

PRI The World listener Corinne Falotico

PRI The World listener Corinne Falotico


María María Acha-Kutscher

Name: Corinne Falotico
Age: 22
Location: Washington, DC
Occupation: Blogger at The Feminist Feline 

Isis Madrid: How do you fight for reproductive rights?
Corinne Falotico: I fight for reproductive rights by sharing stories and petitions on my blog, The Feminist Feline, and my social media accounts. There's a lot of stigma around abortion and reproductive rights and I believe that by sharing women's stories, we can end the stigma.

IM: Why do you think it's important to fight for reproductive rights?
CF: It's important to fight for reproductive rights because every woman should have the right to body autonomy. We have the right to decide when and if we want to raise children. 

IM: What have you learned about the fight for reproductive rights and activism in general since getting involved in the cause?
CF: I have learned that the pro-life movement is everything but pro-life. They have zero interest in the life of the woman carrying the child and they don't support policies that ensure high quality of life for the baby once it is born. This hypocrisy is sickening to me. Don't call yourself pro-life when you're really only pro-birth. And if you're a man, just shut up. You have no idea the psychological damage that is done to a woman when she is forced to carry a child she does not want, especially if her life is at risk.

IM: What do you think of María María's illustration of you? What will you do with it?
CF: I am so honored that Maria Maria drew this illustration of me. I am a huge fan of her Women Working for Women project and to be a part of it is a huge honor. I plan to make the illustration my profile picture on all of my social media accounts immediately to share it with the world!

What do you fight for? Follow Across Women's Lives on Twitter and let us know. 

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