Tourists found dead. Video cameras filming under skirts. An attempt to take off a woman's underwear mid-stride. And a "pandemic" of femicide — all in Mexico.
For these reasons and many others, a group of women in Mexico is organizing a state-wide day of action against sexual violence.
Nos Queremos Vivas, "we want to stay alive," will set off a march through the State of Mexico on April 24. Several women's rights groups have signed on to the campaign, many via images shared on social media with the hashtag #24A or #NosQueremosVivas.
The graphics depict street harassment and mourn murdered women — Al Jazeera reported last year that the daily rate is six — as well as ask women to come forward if they're attacked. Most of all, they reveal the state of women's lives in the state, which includes sprawling Mexico City.
In this one, the first man lets out a wolf whistle. The second says, "You look delicious." The third, "I'd tear you in half." Then the last man says, "Feminazis will raise allegations over anything."
"Harassment is not a compliment. Denounce the pig!"
Digamos #noalacoso#24A#vivasnosqueremos Pongamos alto al acoso y violencia contra las mujeres.
— Inclusión México (@inclusionmex) April 20, 2016
This illustration refers to victim-blaming aimed at women who have been killed: "She was a whore,""She dressed provocatively,""What was she doing out at those hours?"
Cuando la gente habla más de lo que debe o sabe. #NosQueremosVivas#NiUnaMenos#NiUnaMá
— NiUnaMenos (@_Niunamenos) March 23, 2016
"On my way home, I want to be free, not brave."
¡Basta ya de hostigamiento y violencia!
— Georgina González (@half_nomad) April 7, 2016
"One day, I won't be scared to walk down the street. I won't be scared to die because of your machismo."
"Te comparto el mensaje @claudia71586555 Alto a todo tipo de violencias contra las #NosQueremosVivas"
— JLeticia García Polo (@mundomujeres) April 22, 2016
A story from Mexican news site Animal Politico citing a survey that says 44 percent of women in Mexico have suffered domestic violence.
Matar en nombre del amor: 44% de las mujeres sufren violencia física de su pareja
— Fondo Semillas (@FondoSemillas) April 15, 2016
"If you stand up for yourself, you stand up for us all."
Somos manada!
Movilización Nacional contra las Violencias Machistas— MorelosSinAcoso (@MorelosSinAcoso) April 10, 2016
"When the blood comes from an abused woman, the wound is everyone's."
#ElMachismoMata Hoy otra mujer asesinada: Tatiana 24 años, en Lugo por su novio
— Rosa Laviña (@RosaLavina) April 10, 2016