23 women have been murdered in these Ugandan towns since May. Police blame...
Editor's note: This story contains material that some may find disturbing, including sexual violence and murder.Around 9 p.m. on the last night of her life, Rose Nakimuli closed up her small hair salon...
View ArticleFrance has plunged into a struggle over gender-neutral language
Hands clasped behind her back, Madame Subbiah strode among our fourth-grade ranks with Napoleonic aplomb, reciting verses from French poems of old, while we, her sweaty-palmed pupils, transcribed her...
View ArticleCambodia’s female deminers clean the country of war’s deadly reminders
When Meas Seiha, a 42-year-old farmer, left his home on that cloudy day in 2016 to work on his fields in the Samlout village of Cambodia’s Battambang Province, he had no idea how his life would...
View ArticleUnmeasured and unfunded: Lack of data hinders burn prevention and care
Five years ago, in a village in south-central Nepal, 8-year-old Saraswoti Shrestha stumbled into a pot of oil heating on the open-fire stove in the middle of her family’s one-room home.She regained...
View ArticleIn Thailand, kickboxing is becoming more popular with women. Chiang Mai is at...
In northern Thailand, by the side of a backcountry road winding through rice paddies, there is the curious sight of a boxing ring and row of punching bags. A poster hanging above the ring features the...
View ArticleDay care and mud guards: How health officials are building a firewall against...
What’s the best treatment for burns? Prevention.That’s the answer you’ll get from most health care providers in rich and poor countries alike. But in poor countries, there’s little or no funding for...
View ArticleDenmark's new feminist party declares, 'Out with the racists! In with the...
In an illustrated campaign poster hanging in Sankt Hans Torv in Copenhagen, Muneeza Rosendahl stands like a cartoon superhero brandishing a broom midswing, sweeping dust toward an open door.The dust,...
View ArticleWear and Tear series: The women who make our clothes
Arati Baladas, a 20-year-old Bangladeshi woman, lost her mother and her right foot when Rana Plaza collapsed around her in 2013. For Acree Bell Lassiter, now 89, being a creeler, replacing empty spools...
View ArticleAn Argentine startup that makes shoes from discarded tire scraps and employs...
More than 100,000 tons of rubber tires are disposed of every year in Argentina. The majority of them are burned, contributing to the country’s already huge air pollution problem. So, when Alejandro...
View ArticleThese women in the Philippines scour a dump site for trash to turn into...
To grow, blossom or bloom — this is what the Filipino word, lumago, means in the Philippines’ national language. But for the women of Lumago Designs, the word has symbolic meaning, as well.“We wanted...
View ArticleMy family's ties to the global garment industry
My lineage is wrapped up in the garment industry. My grandfather on my dad’s side was in the garment business. My aunties on my mom’s side were also in the industry.My dad was a doctor, and when I was...
View ArticleA French entrepreneur's memoirs tell remarkable tales of 30 years of battling...
Seven years ago, Mariame Tighanimine, a 23-year-old French woman, was running a saucy, feminist webzine for Muslim women with her sister Khadija Tighanimine, called Hijab and the City. That was also...
View ArticleCan helping men in Mongolia improve life for women?
Over green tea at a Western-style cafe in the Mongolian capital of Ulaanbaatar in late summer, Temuulen rattles off reasons why Mongolian men need help: poor health, high unemployment and heavy...
View ArticleIceland hopes to get rid of the gender pay gap with a revolutionary new law
In Iceland, a new law that works to ensure that men and women get paid equally went into effect this month.It requires all companies with at least 25 employees to obtain government certification of...
View ArticleCiting women's rights, chess champ skips title defense in Saudi Arabia
The highly decorated Ukrainian chess grandmaster Anna Muzychuk says she's boycotting the latest world championship competition because it's being held in Saudi Arabia, where women's rights are severely...
View ArticleThese young women are raising awareness about sexual health in Iran
Yassi Ashki left Iran seven years ago, and she came to the US to study. When she first got to the Indiana University campus, she noticed two things. First, "They were all wearing Uggs and pajamas," and...
View ArticleCanadian pub fights complaint after it gives pay-gap discount to women
A lot of jokes start with the line “a man walks into a bar.” But in Canada, it’s a case of “a bar runs into a man.” Only this is no joke.The bar Morrissey House in London, Ontario, has become the...
View ArticleHas the #MeToo movement gone too far or not enough?
France's most revered actress, Catherine Deneuve, declared Tuesday that men should be "free to hit on" women, condemning a new "puritanism" she claimed has been sparked by sexual harassment...
View ArticleCartoonists respond to the French open letter critical of the #MeToo movement
Like many others, cartoonists are reacting to the anti-#MeToo manifesto signed by 100 notable French women, including film star and sex symbol Catherine Deneuve.Hoy en el "ojo del...
View ArticleSpain gang-rape case focuses on young woman's social media behavior days...
On Nov. 14, a young woman entered the Navarre provincial court in northern Spain, a bottle of water in one hand, a piece of paper in the other. She sat on a chair placed at the center of the room...
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